Formula Kentucky

Latest Competion



We have completed our sixth car, FK06! Aiming for a one-year build cycle, we finished the design in October 2023 and finished manufacturing in April 2024, allowing the team to fully prepare for the May 2024 Competition.

Our goal for this car was to improve the reliability and performance of our previous design, while working within the constraints of our current budget. We also hoped to further improve our current manufacturing processes, and successfully improved ranking at the Formula SAE IC competition. It was also the first time that we have completed all events at the competition since 2019.


FK06 Leadership

Team Captain: Jude Ward

Engineering Manager: Ashely Vanover



Competing in May 2024, the team brought FK06 out to preform, and perform it did. FK06 is the second car in team history to finish the rigorous endurance test! Taking a look at the point totals below, FK06 managed to score 371.1 points total! The points breakdown is as follows:

  • Cost: 68.2 pts
  • Presentation: 51.8 pts
  • Design: 75 pts
  • Acceleration: 79.2 pts
  • Autocross: 29.7 pts
  • Endurance: 42.2
  • Efficiency: ---

Total: 371.1 points!